Our vision as a purpose driven sports organisation, is to be a leader in optimising the quality of life of organ transplant recipients, and through sports and other physical activities, promote organ donation and transplantation.


To demonstrate the improved quality of life following transplantation through participation in sports activities – National & World Transplant Games

To facilitate the participation of persons from previously disadvantaged communities, in the activities of SATSA;

To show recipients’ gratitude towards and recognition of living donors and families of deceased donors;

To promote awareness, educate and inform the general public with regard to the need for organ and tissue donation and transplantation and;

To facilitate co operation between persons and organisations concerned with and involved in organ donation and transplantation like the Organ Donor Foundation Patient Support Groups

The Transplant Games Association of South Africa (TGASA) was established in April 1994 by a small group of organ-transplantees, who felt the need for an organization that would promote an active lifestyle and an involvement in various sporting activities to transplant recipients.

These goals have been pursued ever since and a South African Team has been to every World Transplant Games since 1995. In September 2006 the Associations name was changed to South African Transplant Sports Association and a new Constitution adopted. The South Africa Transplant Sports Association is a member of the World Transplant Games Federation and is recognised by the Department of Sport and Recreation in South Africa, is a non-profit organization and are exempt from paying income tax (Fund- raising (NPO) No: 004-595).

The South Africa Transplant Sports Association is an Affiliated Member of the South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC).

The World Transplant Games (WTG) is held every two years and South Africa has been participating since 1993. In 1997 the Team was, for the first time, awarded South African colours. South Africa , for the first time, participated in the Winter World Transplant Games held in France in January 2010.

SUPPORT The South Africa Transplant Sports Association BY MAKING A DONATION!


The South Africa Transplant Sports Association is a proudly South African founded and driven organization with the vision of optimising the quality of life of organ transplant recipients, and through sports and other physical activities, promote organ donation and transplantation.

We have a solid track record spanning 25 years. We are an Affiliated Member of the South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC). It is a non-profit organisation (004-595 NPO) representing transplant recipients, donor families (including living donors), Health Care professionals involved in organ donation and transplantation, corporate businesses involved in transplantation and corporate business involved in funding and sponsorships. It is registered as a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) Section 18(A) and it allows a taxpayer, who has made a bona fide donation, to claim a tax deduction subject to a limit.

The SA National Transplant Games is held every two years where athletes can qualify for the World Transplant Games (WTG) which is held every alternate year and South Africa has been participating since 1993. In 1997 the Team was, for the first time, awarded South African Colours. At the World Transplant Games in 2019 in Newcastle, UK we were 5th out of 60 countries Please help us and donate, any amount is welcomed.